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Do you have a awesome 3D printer application idea? Do you want to enhance your current 3D filament portfolio?

The 3D printing, or additive manufacturing industry, still moves only one direction – fast forward!
3D printers perform better and better, offering opportunities for various applications. We want to be your co-development partner in developing new filaments where the current filament supply is nonexistent or not fully to your specification. Let us be the accelerator of your scale-up or innovative business.

Why additive manufacturing and material development?

The world of additive manufacturing offers exciting new opportunities. We want to make these opportunities available to people in all industries and working environments. This is the basis for our passion at colorFabb. The fun of technological challenges and solving them with material solutions drives us daily in the development of our unique filaments and unique material formulations.

Our experience: deep know-how of additive manufacturing, extrusion technology and material properties

colorFabb has multiple global partners upstream to rely on for innovation support. We are uniquely qualified to support customers operating in various industries. Our customers can benefit from the shared know-how and fast development cycles. Yes, we are a leader in the industry for over 10 years now.

We offer allPHA filament when your challenge is at the 'End of Life' (EOL) product. 100% biodegradable and therefore a fully sustainable material solution. Find more information via the button below.                                                                                                                                                 



As a specialist in filament research, development and additive manufacturing, we analyze your application in order to fully understand your system needs, provide a fast track feasibility test and make you an offer based on the results obtained and your requirements. Afterwards we are always there for further support.

Our approach:

  • Analyze your current production process and future vision
  • Identify application needs and support
  • Make a feasibility test
  • Make an offer for you to calculate the Return on Investment (ROI)
  • Production of your (white label) filament

Further support and aftercare
Even today, 3D printing and filament development seems accessible only to few. Our experts review your process and propose solutions for the use cases with the best Return on Investment (ROI). We show you the answer!


Let us talk!

Are you looking for a custom-made filament that is exactly tailored to your business's needs? Just get in touch with us. Our material development and additive manufacturing experts are delighted to help you.

Take a look inside at colorFabb

The 4100 m2 building houses all of colorFabb's competences under a single roof with 480 solar panels.

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Innovation is key at colorFabb. Back in 2013 we started our very first product PLA/PHA, a unique blend of two bio plastics to make the PLA less brittle. Every effort has been made ever since to make sure even the standard products are enhanced to give the best performance. From bronzeFill to DPA-100 support material, our dedication to create the best possible 3D printing filament has never stopped and will always be the foundation of our company.

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Custom materials

Our company core values are the key ingredient to create the boldest of custom materials available in the market. It’s not just the materials we carefully select, or the equipment we use, but rather the mindset which fuels the success of our projects. We are eager to learn, passionate and courageous.

With a vast experience in compounding, extrusion, injection molding, material characterization and 3D printing, we’re ready to meet your challenges head on!

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